Survey | Future of Work Index

Future of Work Index


The Future of Work Index survey measures your sentiment and readiness for the future of work.

There are 45 survey questions in total, plus a series of questions about your demographics and current working situation. There are no right or wrong answers; this survey measures your preferences and not your competence or ability.

The survey takes approximately 6 - 10 minutes to complete.

Once you have completed all questions you will be presented with an interactive dashboard that will present your individual Future of Work index, compared with other respondents of the survey.

By submitting your answers, you agree to our privacy policy.

Team survey.

You're completing this survey as part of the team at .

If you're not part of this team or if this doesn't look right, do an individual survey instead.

" name="team_id">

About you


About your work


Question .

Question place-holder

NaN out of NaN questions completed


Opportunity areas

Please list the top three skills, technologies, mindsets or tools that you think you are critical for you to learn now in order to succeed in your work.


Great work!

Well done! You got to the end.


 Reviewing your results...

 Crunching the numbers...

 Comparing your results to other respondents...

 Sending it back to earth...

0% complete